Kā ieziemot nokarenās zemenes podiņā, kas augušas uz balkona?

Kā ieziemot nokarenās zemenes podiņā, kas augušas uz balkona?Līdz kādai zemākais gaisa temperatūrai nokarenās zemenes podiņā var atstāt uz balkona? Vai, nonesot tās pagrabā, būtu jāseko līdzi augsnes mitrumam un tās jālaista?

langstinsh (2018-10-18 15:50)      Podiņš caursals pie -5 grādiem...pagrabā.

Drole (2018-10-18 17:41)      Ar neesaashanu var nepietikt.

"Container-grown strawberries benefit from a little winter protection. One of the best ways is to place the container in a bigger container and then insulate the space between with leaves or straw.

You can also place the container on the ground next to a heated wall and ideally out of the winter wind. Insulate the exposed sides of the container with mulch, leaves or straw. Or just bury the container. The surrounding soil will insulate the roots over winter. Then dig up and hose down the container next spring.

Yet another option is to take the container into an unheated shed or garage for winter. Don´t worry about lack of light. The plants will be dormant and don´t need light in winter. You´ll probably have to add just a little water every few weeks to keep the roots from getting too dry. Outside, melting snow and occasional cold rains usually keep the roots damp enough over winter without you having to water them." (C)

daugava19 (2018-10-18 19:38)      Domāju pagrabā +/-2,3 grādi ar mitrumu minimāli,lai neuzmetas pelēka puve.

kissa12345 (2018-10-21 03:30)      Zemenes ir vasaras auglis ,loti garssigs auglis in par vinu it Jamal rupeties

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